4 Ways To Keep Cool This Summer

Ah, summer!

It’s that exciting time of the year when the pace of life seems to slow down a little bit as the weather warms up.

Those lazy, hazy days of summer may have you craving a nap with the A/C cranked up or a refreshing drink outside with your feet propped up—but summer doesn’t have to be all about checking out and unplugging! There are some easy ways to cool off in the warm summer months where you can still keep yourself focused, energized and inspired. Here are a few:

Get outside—smartly

It may sound strange to suggest getting outside to keep cool in the summer—but not so, if you do it the right way! Being out among nature can be a major brain boost, and if you plan ahead, you can certainly beat the heat. If you draw inspiration from exercise, plan an early morning run or outdoor yoga session before the heat of the day creeps in. And if you find yourself working from home, pack the laptop and your hot spot and head to the shade of a local park to get some fresh air as you work. Staying cooped up all summer can be a drain on your energy (and energy bill!), so plan ahead to make the most of your natural surroundings.

Discover new spots

Whether you need to get some work done or just want to wake up your mind with a new book, don’t just park it in the living room! Check out local coffee shops and libraries, which can offer cool (in both senses of the word!) spaces and a change of scenery. Such spots are also an ideal way to stay connected to and get involved in your local community.

Build your network

Getting ahead in your career this summer doesn’t have to just involve attending virtual events from your living room couch—get out there! Look into local professional groups and networking organizations, many of which host in-person events where you can meet others in your field, enjoy local food and drinks, and share ideas—you can stay cool while still staying inspired!

Pamper yourself

While you’ll want to keep your focus this summer, it can’t be all work and no play! Save that overtime money and book a spa day, a trip to a nearby beach or even a weekend getaway to a cozy cabin to help yourself de-stress and escape the heat.

With some saving and strategizing, you can use the heat of the summer to get creative, keep motivated and give your work/life balance the refresher it needs.

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