As a specialist in high volume and RPO staffing , Integrity is tasked with managing teams at our clients’ locations across the country. We’d like to share some of our strategies for maintaining efficiencies in these challenging conditions, especially as we head into peak season.
Centralized Functions
Inconsistent procedures and duplication of effort are the bane of a geographically dispersed organization. To avoid these pitfalls, our administrative teams based at Integrity headquarters handle operations not directly related to worker supervision.
Candidate sourcing is implemented under Integrity’s unified strategic umbrella, with a specific plan developed for each site’s market conditions. Cost efficiencies are achieved with bulk buys of client branded media assets as well as utilizing Integrity’s own PPC, job board seats and LinkedIn recruiter licenses. Our applicant tracking system provides the client with real-time data for making hiring decisions.
The compliance team ensures that every worksite meets or exceeds OSHA standards. Integrity’s own OSHA-certified safety experts make inspections and process incident reports. Workers’ Compensation claims are also processed through the central office by Integrity’s insurance specialists.
Other centralized functions include payroll, benefits administration and grievance resolution.
Onsite Teams
For high volume clients, Integrity establishes an office right in their workplace, thus keeping associates engaged and on task while relieving the client of most of the management work. This onsite team includes:
Scalable Systems
The best thing about these systems is that they work just as well whether they’re applied to 10 locations or 100. They allow us to meet aggressive recruiting goals, source and retain quality candidates, and create a seamless brand experience for our clients.
We hope you find this information valuable for building your own employee infrastructure. Or if you’re interested in working with Integrity, please contact us:
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